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Welcome Mat Creation

Give prospects a reason to sign-up to to your email list.

What is a Welcome Mat? #

Some marketers call it Lead Magnet others call it Trip Wire.

Lead Magnet assumes lack of prospects will,
and trip wire - well do you want them to explode or something?

While Welcome Mat is welcoming your prospect to your world.

It’s being nice to people.

What’s inside of Welcome Mat? #

Solution to your target market’s most burning question.

What is it that you’re either:

  • Getting asked about the most by your prospects and clients,
  • Able to provide powerful quick win, just like magic,
  • Most of your market is struggling with and are actively looking for solution.

Why you need a Welcome Mat? #

So you can collect contact details of prospects that Raised Their Hand
to have this problem solved.

How do you create a Welcome Mat? #

It’s usually a SAGE Document, like a PDF.

It could also be a video.

It has to be on topic that is most burning to your prospects.

I recommend that you should include all big 4 in your Welcome Mat:

  1. What is it
  2. Why is it important
  3. How do you do it
  4. What’s the next Action Step

This way you’re actually making positive change and are using most powerful
lever in marketing, you’re demonstrating how you can help.

Next step #

To have a try of Welcome Mat download mine here.

And if you like the taste of it and want to have it working for you in your business
let’s schedule a Coffee Date together and see if we are a fit.