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More Clients

Find more leads online that are eagerly booking sales calls with you.

What is More Clients? #

When you already have Welcome Mat
it’s time to deliver it to your prospects.

This is a Done-For-You marketing service,
focused on driving targeted traffic to your Welcome Mat.

Why you need More Clients? #

Simply having Welcome Mat by itself is not enough.

People need to see it.

You should promote it on your socials.

And if you want to switch gears and make it work faster,
it’s best to pour some Advertising on it.

How does it work? #

To promote your Welcome Mat we’ll deploy 2 proven strategies for you:

  1. $1 a Day
  2. 3x3 Video Grid

And help you with video creation as well.

$1 a Day #

Proven strategy of testing short video content by spending $1 a Day.

Once we find videos that work best for you (Engagement Rate, Thumbstop Rate)
we scale those, and cut spending on those that don’t perform.

We start with 15 second videos, move to 30 seconds and eventually go to 60 seconds.

We utilize Reels because currently they are designed to get delivered
specifically to people that don’t follow you.

3x3 Video Grid #

Following Customers Marketing Journey (Awareness, Consideration, Conversion)
we’ll help you create 3 videos for each stage of this journey.

Then we’ll deploy them in a sequence,
so only people that have seen your Awareness stage will see Consideration and so on.

This is to guarantee that people that are visiting your Welcome Mat already know, like and trust you.

Plus it actually makes ad costs lower.

Next step #

Let’s schedule a Coffee Date together and see if we are a fit.