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My Marketing Journey

Hi, I’m Alex, and I used to be a software craftsman.

You know, the guy who creates computer programs and stuff.

But after a while, I stumbled upon something amazing - direct response marketing.
It’s basically using street level psychology to find people interested in your products or services.

I got so into it that I spent a whole ten years studying it.
I mean, I read books, went to conferences, and even tried out different marketing ideas on my own.
Sometimes they worked, and sometimes they didn’t, but I learned something every time.

Then, I joined AdSkills, this cool place that helps people become marketing pros.
It was there that everything clicked for me.

I figured out how to make marketing work really well,
bringing in lots of potential customers and making a profit.

But here’s the thing - I felt something was missing.
I remembered the tough times when I was a struggling software guy, trying to find clients.

Those were some long nights and stressful days.
But they were also the days when I fell in love with marketing.

So, I decided to combine my two passions - software and marketing - to help others.
Especially online coaches.

They often struggle to find clients, just like I did.
I want to show them the ropes, help them navigate the confusing world of online marketing,
and find the clients they needed.

I’d been through a tough burnout phase during my software days,
and it made me realize what truly mattered to me.

It wasn’t just about making money, it was about helping people who shared my dreams.